Hersteller: YELLO

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  • Lieferzeit : nicht an Lager, muss angefragt werden!

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Yellofier 1

Yellofier 2

Yellofier 3

Yellofier 4

Yellofier 5

nur im AppStore erhältlich, im Apriil GRATIS  ... :-)

Join The
Track Contest

Share your own yellofier track or rework one of the participating artists. From the 10 most voted songs, we’re choosing our favorite track.

The winner gets a flight to Zurich to spend a day with Boris Blank yellofiering the whole city. The Song will also be released on the next Electronic Beats Compilation.

The contest runs until 1st June 2013. We’re looking forward to your track.


About the Artist

Boris Blank, co-founder and music composer of the Swiss avant-garde electro duo Yello, is also the inventor of the app.

About a year ago, together with concept director Håkan Lidbo and a team of experts, Blank filed to implement the idea that is Yellofier.

Boris Blank and Dieter Meier made music history as Yello and revolutionized electronic music far beyond German-speaking borders.

Håkan Lidbo from Stockholm has already released 300 LPs, including everything from aspiring club music to acoustic experiments.

He sent music to space and let monkeys from the Stockholm Zoo play on synthesizer.

About Electronic Beats

Electronic Beats is the international music programm by Telekom which incorporates live music festivals, thought-provoking and award-winning music magazines and DVDs,

and an online hub at, the focal point for all EB-related information that also features exclusive radio and video content.

Electronic Beats supported the team of Yellofier with their expertise in technology and communication and enabled a perfect realization.


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