Cinesamples Voxos: Epic Virtual Choir
Hersteller: CAD
499,00 CHF
VOXOS: Epic Virtual Choirs ist ein aussgewöhnliches, neues virtuelles Instrument. Es enthält einen vollen Epic Chor, einen Knaben Chor, Solisten sowie einzelne Legato-Sektionen.
Vom Kontakt Player getrieben bietet VOXOS weltbekannte Chöre und Solisten, die in zahlreichen Produktionen für Hollywood Filme, Trailer, Video Spiele sowie auf grossen Bühnen Erfahrung gesammelt haben. Alle Chöre wurden in der tollen Akustik der Bastyr Kapelle mit mehreren Mikrophon Positionen in 24bit/48k 5.1 Surround aufgenommen. Das Ergebnis ist ein makelloser Sound direkt aus der Box, ohne aufwändige Nachbearbeitung. VOXOS enthält über 35.000 Samples, eine unkomprimierte Datenmenge von 35GB.
VOXOS ist in drei Hauptgruppen unterteilt:
Phrase Builder
-30 Syllable Matrix Editor850
-Staccatos, Sustains, Shouts, Whispers
-Dynamic morphing between dynamics
-4 Mic positions + Full Mix
-Section contains over 16,000 samples
The Phrase Builder is a powerful way of adding word syllables into a choir performance. VOXOS contains a 30 syllable selector matrix which allows you to quickly assemble multi-syllable phrases onto a grid. Each syllable will intelligently advance to the next syllable, based on your keyboard performance. If it´s a sustain, the Phrase Builder can also connect one syllable over many notes, in a melismatic way.
Legato Sections
-Sopranos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
-Altos (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
-Tenors (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
-Basses (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
-Boys Choir (Ah, Oo, p to ff)
-Solo Boy, Soprano and Alto
-Real transition samples for all intervals
-Innovative Voice Leading Engine (V.L.E.)
-4 Mic positions + Full Mix
-Section alone contains 17,000 samples
The Legato Sections contains true legato performances of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, Basses, Boys Choir, Solo Boy, Solo Soprano and Solo Alto. Cinesamples has methodically recorded the tens of thousands of intervalic leaps within the ranges of each section. Their custom Legato script instantly analyses the keyboard performance and plays the appropriate interval sample. The result is an instrument that allows you to play smooth and emotional legato lines.
Built into Legato Sections is Cinesamples´ innovative Voice Leading Engine (V.L.E.). The V.L.E. allows you to play a full keyboard patch of S, A, T, B choir with independently moving legato lines. The engine instantly analyses the chord structure and assigns each pitch to its own section of the choir. The result: a patch that is easy to play, with incredibly realistic results.
Choir FX
-Trailer Risers
-Tonal Diatonic Clusters (pp to fff)
-Atonal Clusters (pp to fff)
-1950?s Sandman Choir (bum bum)
-Contains over 1,700 samples
-4 Mic positions + Full Mix
VOXOS contains over 500+ Choir Effects suitable for film, tv and game music. There are hundreds of shouts, whispers, grunts, clusters, screams and trailer risers, perfect for any media project.
Dieses Produkt wird mit dem NI Kontakt Player 4 ausgeliefert!
Windows XP (SP2) / Vista / Win7 (32/64 Bit),
Pentium oder Athlon XP 1.4 GHz,
Min. 2 GB RAM
OSX 10.5 / 10.6
Intel (!!!) Core Duo 1.66 GHz,
Min. 2 GB RAM
für alle Systeme
1GB freier Festplattenspeicher für die Player installation
zusätzlicher Festplattenspeicher entsprechend der Library Grösse
Internet Verbindung zur Produktaktivierung (auf beliebigem Computer möglich)
DVD Laufwerk
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