Polyend SEQ Sequencer

Hersteller: Polyend

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UVP 1178,00 CHF

1070,00 CHF

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MIDI Step Sequencer


Die Idee hinter SEQ war es, den ultimativen Hardware-Step-Sequenzer zu fertigen.

SEQ vereint 32 Steps, 8 polyphone Spuren, 256 Pattern-Speicher in einem hochwertigen, zeitlosen Aluminium- und Holzgehäuse.

Ausgestattet mit einer breiten Palette von Ein- und Ausgängen lassen sich sowohl Hardware- als auch Software-Geräte auf inspirierende Weise spielen und kontrollieren. Alle Features wurden von Polyend sorgfältig und in Hinblick auf Spielbarkeit und hohen Spaßfaktor ausgewählt. Rhythmen, Akkorde und Melodien lassen sich auf einfachste und intuitivste Weise gestalten. Die meisten Parameter und Werte können auf einen Blick abgelesen werden. Weitere Informationen und Funktionen werden auf einem kleinen, hellen und extrem scharfen Display angezeigt. Die sorgfältig in Form, Größe und Festigkeit abgestimmten Silikon-Knöpfe vermitteln ein angenehmes Druck-Gefühl und unmittelbares Feedback. Alternativ können MIDI-Noten über einen MIDI-Controller nach Wahl in Echtzeit eingegeben werden.

Über zwei MIDI Outs können gleichzeitig Rhythmus- und Klangerzeuger angeschlossen werden. Jeder Track kann individuell zugeordnet werden.

Ein USB-Port kann zusätzlich als Ausgang genutzt werden, ideal z.B. in Verbindung mit Polyend POLY zur Anbindung an die modulare Außenwelt.


Polyend has updated their Seq hardware step sequencer to version 1.3, adding randomization features, scales per track,

chords per step and more. (8.12.2017)


Here’s what’s new in Seq 1.3:

  • Scales. Assignable music scale per track, with choice of thirty-nine different scales.
  • Chords per step. Added polyphony per step, choose from twenty predefined chords.
  • More randomization. Developed randomization options. Set if randomization influences: modulation, velocity and humanization (step nudge) parameters. When randomizing steps on track with applied music scale, notes are scattered in between the range of two octaves (one up, one down with a root note in the middle).
  • Gate length. Added gate time per step.
  • Perfected knob physics for modulation, velocity and CC parameters.
  • Shortened time of track lengths displays after change applies. Also, reduced track length led brightness.




MIDI Step Sequencer
8 polyphone Spuren
32 Steps
256 Pattern
Pattern chaining
Step-Parameter: Note, Velocity, Length, Modulation und Roll
Spur-Parameter: Length, Velocity, Scale, MIDI Channel, MIDI Out
Unabhängige Wiedergabe-Modi pro Spur: Normal, Reversed, Pingpong und Random
264 Hochwertige hintergrundbeleuchtete Silikon-Taster
Live Recording über externes MIDI-Gerät
Übersichtliches, hochauflösendes, helles Display
Hochwertiges Gehäuse aus Eichenholz und Aluminium
6 Encoder
MIDI In/Thru
Zwei unabhängige MIDI-Ausgänge
Fußschaltereingang zur Steuerung Start, Stopp und Aufnahme
USB (bidirektional)
Lieferung inklusive Netzteil und USB-Kabel
Abmessungen: 600 x 145 x 42 mm
Gewicht: 2100 g




A journey of a thousand tunes begins with a single step.


The idea behind Seq was to craft the ultimate hardware step sequencer. 32 steps, 8 polyphonic tracks, 256 pattern storage - all enclosed within the highest quality aluminum and wooden housing. Multiple connections give you the freedom to play with your hardware and software devices. It’s designed for you to be inspired and, most importantly, fully enjoy the process of creation. Seq is all you need for the way you make music today.


Every sequence in just a Seq.


We designed Seq with some non-digital musical devices in mind. We did it for a reason. Our goal was to implement features that make Seq as playable and fun to use as possible. We made it easy to set up and even easier to create rhythms, chords, and melodies. Most of the functions are available directly from the front panel and all its features give you the quickest and most natural way to bring your ideas to light. And, when you’ve got them together, rest assured they won’t get lost thanks to the Autosave function.


Seq is its own computing center, hardware- and software- optimized to manage given tasks in the most effective way, without latency or glitches. Immediate responsiveness creates a synergy between the musician and the tool. It’s an inspiration right from the very first step.



Big step forward in Design.

The use of oak and aluminum – materials of timeless quality – allowed us to avoid the need for any flashy details, making what remains even more elegant in its simplicity. Our Seq buttons are made of silicone with specially matched density and firmness. Their shape, size, and arrangement were chosen carefully to provide an instant and explicit response. Most of the parameters and values can be read from the Seq interface at a glance. For the rest of them, we provide a bright and sharp screen. Minimalistic, stripped down from any distractions, it brings all the information you need in any performing conditions you meet.


The heart of your creativity.

Equipped with a wide array of Ins and Outs, allowing you to communicate freely with other devices of every era and genre. You can also feed tracks with MIDI notes using your favorite MIDI controller. Every track can be recorded step by step or in real time and then quantized independently.


With two MIDI Outs, you can connect rhythm and sound machines simultaneously. You choose where to send out the signal from every track, and if that’s not enough, you can also use the USB port for the same purpose.



Ins and Outs:

• In/Out
• MIDI In to either sync clock or input MIDI notes
• MIDI Thru
• Two independent MIDI Outs
• USB for bidirectional MIDI communication
• Footswitch input to control Start, Stop, and Record



Main features

• 8 tracks with 32 steps each
• 256 pattern memory
• Live sequence recording with external device via MIDI
• Step parameters: Note, Velocity, Length, Modulation, Roll
• Independent track play mode (Normal, Reversed, Pingpong, Random)
• Pattern chaining
• Track parameters: Length, Velocity, Scale, MIDI Channel, MIDI Out
• All parameter changes are automatically saved


Weitere Informationen: http://polyend.com/seq-sequencer/