Arturia MatrixBrute

Hersteller: Arturia

Weitere Informationen: 

UVP 1999,00 CHF

1799,00 CHF

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Der aktuelle UVP von Arturia Matrixbrute wird per sofort auf CHF 2699.00 inkl. MwSt. angepasst.
Der Grund für die Preisanpassungen sind höhere Kosten für die Produktion.


Analoge Oszillatoren und zwei Filter


Wie seine kleineren Geschwister verfügt der MatrixBrute über die markanten “Brute-Oszillatoren” mit den Wellenformen Sägezahn, Dreieck und Pulse – in diesem Fall sind gleich drei vorhanden. Außerdem bietet jeder Oszillator einen eigenen Suboszillator, was auf Wunsch ein massives Bassfundament liefern sollte. Neben dem bekannten Steiner-Parker Filter kommt hier zusätzlich ein Ladder-Filter mit 3 Modi zum Einsatz. Weiter geformt wird der Sound durch schnelle Hüllkurvengeneratoren und eine analog aufgebaute Effektsektion.


Umfangreiche Modulationsmatrix


Auffälligstes Merkmal ist sicher die aufwändige Modulationsmatrix in der rechten Hälfte des angeschrägten Panels. Hier lassen sich 16 Modulationsquellen völlig frei 16 Modulationszielen zuweisen und die Modulations-Intensität frei über einen dedizierten Encoder bestimmen. Die Verschaltungen lassen sich zudem in Presets abspeichern und wieder aufrufen.



Speicherbare Presets - Modulare Möglichkeiten mit Total Recall


Für die ersten Schritte am Synthesizer sollen 256 Werkspresets zur Verfügung stehen. Eigene Sounds lassen sich ebenfalls abspeichern.



Step Sequencer


Die Matrix kann aber noch mehr als nur Modulation: In einem weitern Modus verwandelt sie sich in einen 64-Step Sequencer mit frei programmierbarem Step, Accent, Slide und Modulationsmöglichkeiten.



Flexible Anschlussmöglichkeiten


Interessant für Modularfreaks sind die zahlreichen CV-Anschlüsse: Mit 12 CV-Eingängen und ebenso vielen Ausgängen lässt sich der MatrixBrute gut in ein bestehendes Modularsetup einbinden.

Ein Preis ist noch nicht bekannt, weitere Informationen folgen.






• 3 Oszillatoren (jeweils mit Sägezahn, Pulse und Dreieck), sowie 3 Suboszillatoren

• Steiner Parker Multimode-Filter mit 12- bzw. 24 dB Flankensteilheit und Drive-Regler

• 3-Mode Ladder Filter mit 12- und 24dB Flankensteilheit und Drive-Regler

• 64-Step Sequencer mit Accent, Slide und Modulationsmöglichkeiten

• Speicherbare, flexibel konfigurierbare Modulationsmatrix mit 16 Quellen und 16 Zielen

• Analoge Effektsektion mit Delay, Chorus und Flanger

• 12 CV Eingänge, 12 CV Ausgänge; 1V/Oct

• Gate In/Out

• Sync In/Out

• 6,3 mm Stereoklinkenausgang

• MIDI In/Out/Thru

• USB In/Out

• 3 Pedaleingänge




Pressetext Arturia:


Analog Synthesizer — set to reset the benchmark by going down in history as arguably the most powerful analogue synthesizer ever created — at The NAMM Show 2016, January 21-24 in Anaheim, California, USA

When was the last time your heart started racing at the thought of making music? How long has it been since you heard sounds that were entirely new? When did you last find an instrument that truly inspired you? Arturia actively posed such challenging questions to itself when readily rising to the challenge of designing the MatrixBrute Analog Synthesizer. So here’s the answer: an astonishing programmable monophonic/duophonic analogue synthesizer set to start your heart racing and serve up entirely new sounds as a truly inspirational instrument… meet MatrixBrute Analog Synthesizer! As a massive-sounding and highly-specified beast of analogue avant-garde-era synth technology, it is fit for reaching the outer limits of truly 21st Century sonic exploration, thanks to the trademark sound of its three ‘Brute’ oscillators, superb-sounding Steiner-Parker and ladder filters, three ultra-fast envelope generators, amazing analogue effects, and — the pièce de résistance — its incredible modulation matrix. Modular… without the painful patching practice of going modular, in other words!


What makes the massive-sounding MatrixBrute Analog Synthesizer so state-of-the-art, then? Matrix by name, matrix by nature, that namesake modulation matrix is at the heart of MatrixBrute, making the most of each ‘module’ through a matrix that offers thousands of potential modulation routings. Assign any of 16 modulation sources to any of 16 modulation destinations (in MOD mode) and set the amounts of each modulation routing using the dedicated data encoder; four such destinations are user programmable and can clearly be seen in the eye-catching E Ink (Electronic Ink) display. Don’t be afraid to invent a sound palette of your own and make your musical mark!


That multifaceted matrix also allows presets to be recalled quite literally at the touch of a (dedicated) button (in PRESET mode). Go grab one of the 256 pioneering, pre-programmed professional presets or recall one of your own original sound creations… instantly! Indeed, MatrixBrute packs the power of a modular synth system with an all-important ability to save each patch. No need to worry about recording a sound straight away for fear of losing it forever!


Furthermore, the matrix can also be pressed into action as an awesome 64-step sequencer with separate STEP, ACCENT, SLIDE, and MODULATION options (in SEQ mode). Make musical moves directly on your analogue synthesizer. Sounds can evolve in melody and texture… exactly the way you want them to! To help maintain a 100% analogue signal path, MatrixBrute also adds true ANALOG EFFECTS to its stereo output — choose from chorus, delay, and flanger with five operational modes… and, yes, any ANALOG EFFECTS controls can be set as modulation destinations in the matrix! When was the last time you worked with analogue effects and a great arpeggiator? Ask no more. MatrixBrute has got you well and truly covered. Multiple modes of both the Arpeggiator and Sequencer allow almost unlimited musical ideas to quickly and easily flow forth for instant inspiration!


It’s a given that any analogue synthesizer only sounds as good as its VCFs (Voltage-Controlled Filters) and VCOs (Voltage-Controlled Oscillators). The MatrixBrute Analog Synthesizer sounds superb, markedly making the most of its four-mode STEINER FILTER (upgraded to support both 12dB/oct and 24dB/ oct slopes alongside a dedicated Drive control for creating thicker sounds) and three-mode LADDER FILTER (known for creating punchy bass and fat lead sounds with 12dB/oct and 24dB/oct slopes alongside another dedicated Drive control). The three VCOs are each equipped with a sub-oscillator as well as Saw, Pulse, and Triangle waveforms with the unique wave-shapers that are the trademark of the beloved ‘Brute’ sound of the MatrixBrute Analog


Synthesizer’s smaller siblings, the award-winning and amazingly compact and bijou MiniBrute and MicroBrute monosynths (both boasting MIDI, USB, and CV connectivity together with a host of unique features). But by pairing a 49-note (full-size) keyboard (featuring both velocity-sensitivity and aftertouch for a musical feel with plenty of expression) with a beautifully-designed, solid chassis (featuring a helpfully-hinged, hands-on capacious control panel), the road-ready MatrixBrute Analog Synthesizer is both bigger and better, boasting more connections than an airport… well, almost!


As such, you can comfortably work with any setup — cue control voltage interfacing in abundance (12 CV inputs and 12 CV outputs to interface with any standard 1V/oct modular gear); AUDIO IN (line and instrument levels allow for adding an external oscillator from a favourite modular synth or processing a guitar or other instrument through the filters, VCA, and analogue effects); GATE In and Out (to trigger external gear or trigger the internal envelopes remotely); SYNC In and Out (to synchronise the internal sequencer and arpeggiator with external devices); standard MIDI In, Out, and Thru (to connect to both modern and vintage gear alike); USB I/O (to interface to a computer-based DAW directly and also use the free editor/librarian software); and PEDALS


(Expression 1, Expression 2, and Sustain inputs to provide realtime control) — not forgetting, of course, MASTER OUT (stereo master outputs on 1/4-inch jacks). As a phenomenal source of inspiration and a truly empowering instrument, MatrixBrute is easy to understand. Forget drop-down menus and dualfunction controls. Forget connectivity issues. Forget imitations. This is you in control. This is you inventing sounds. This is analogue avant-garde





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